Athiests... are they believers?

Thursday, January 21

TODAY IN CLASS I was paying close attention to what the lecturer was saying. I take a Diaspora and Transnational Studies course and I sometimes find it rather interesting since it teaches me about human behaviour on a global level. However, there are less than interesting moments in this class. For instance, today, after the prof defined a list of less than interesting terms, he then moved on to philosphers and their less than interesting bios. blahh. Anyway, the bio of the philosphers are very relevant to what I'm about to tell you since one of those philosphers was the infamous Karl Marx. The man who all of my professors get excited talking about. The man who refers to religion as the "opium of the masses." He was undoubtably a very intelligent man andgreat thinker but sadly, he lacked all wisdom. The teacher was explaining one of his theories called "Marx's theory of History."

(I'll try to sum up the basis of the theory in a couple lines at the most)

Marx believed that history begins, has a middle and eventually has an end. He believes that in the beginning, society was at peace, then conflicts began and are still continuing due to the inequality between classes. However, he believes that society will reach a point where all class conflicts will be resolved and since he believes that that is the only source of real conflict, society will become perfect and "history" would be a term of the past.
(*I really really dumbed it down into my understanding of what I believed the prof was trying to say, but if you want to know the nitty gritty of Marx's theory, click this link. >> Click here! << *)

Now when the teacher finished explaining all that good stuff, I raised my hand and he called upon me and this is what I said.

"Sir, wasn't Marx an Athiest or Agnostic?"

He was an athiest although he came from a Jewish and Christian background blah blah blah

"That's interesting considering that his entire theory seems very religious."

Well he was not a religious man. He called religion the "opium of the masses" blah blah blah

"Well the reason why I said so is because what I understood from Marx's theory of history is that he believed that there will be a time where man kind will no longer have conflicts between classes and what not and people will all live in perfect peace with each other in a perfect society. I don't understand how he believes that that is even possible since I don't see how imperfect beings can obtain AND sustain a perfect society unless there was a supreme perfect being involved."

CLASS please settle down.

"I'm just saying... for an Athiest, Marx seems like a pretty religious dude."

Holy spirit 1 | Lame philosphers 0

Not to mention that his theory resembles bible history and prophecy. Adam & Eve in the garden (In the beginning was perfect) ->  Eve and Adam ate the fruit they shouldn't have and society became imperfect with conflicts (good vs evil) -> Eventually the Lord will return (perfect supreme being bringing perfection).

2 comments so far:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's BIG!

Juice Jimmy Iovine said...

absolutely brilliant!

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