True wisdom.

Wednesday, September 2

I asked the Lord this morning, tell me great mysterious things for you are the Creator and you know all things. This was his respond to my question.

The Lord God is rich with knowledge and filled with understanding. He has heard your voice and will answer.
For many years, people have come to me asking me, "What are the mysterious wonders of the world?" "Share some with me so that I may gain wisdom." But true wisdom comes not from the things of this world but the things of a heavenly realm unknown to man. Listen to my words so that you may grow wise and knowledgeable in the things to come.

There’s more.. but that info is for me. If you wish to gain knowledge from the Lord, simply ask and have a pen and paper in hand ;)

Suggested reading : 1 Corinthians 1: 18-19, 2:6-10

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