
Wednesday, February 17

For the past couple weeks the Lord has been teaching me a great deal about communication. I believe that the greatest lesson I learned was that communication goes far beyond words.  In fact, it is often the non-verbal cues that shape our understanding of a message being delivered on a deeper level. This is true when communicating with God and with other people. First, I'll touch on some of the non verbal ways in which the Lord will speak to people. I used to classify some of these things as coincidences or insignificant random happenings. o_O

-dreams & visions (colours, sounds, images, places, people, objects)
-signs (street signs, reoccuring numbers, random combination of words and letters, shapes that form images or words)
-thoughts (revelations from God without actual words - when a person simply understands something that they did not understand before)

(The Lord communicated with people by these means throughout the Bible - Joseph The Cup bearer and the Bread maker, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the disciple of Christ in the NewTestament etc.)

It is an exciting thing when the Lord chooses to communicate with you in these ways. It gives you more reason to seek Him for understanding and revelation of the things He has shown you and in doing so, you deepen your relationship with Him.

Now, concerning human communication, there is much to say and not enough space to say it. I'll list some non verbal ways in which people communicate with each other and you can seek God on the rest.

Tone of voice, facial expressions, eyes, bodily movements (playing with hair etc. [list is too long]), the order of words in a sentence (which words get emphasis), general actions ([different from bodily movements] the way a person acts towards another person).

(One biblical example I can think of at the moment is Ruth lying at boaz' feet)

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