Acknowledging God's presence

Wednesday, March 24

Today was interesting. ..  then again.. everyday that I walk with God and remembers He loves me tends to be interesting. One of the more interesting parts of my day was bible study. My Pastor Joel came to my campus bible study to teach us about and how to do the good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do. [Ephesians 2:10] His teaching was filled with wisdom and I definitely soaked up alllll that my mind-sponge could retain. However, I believe that the biggest thing I took away from the bible study was from Joel's side notes. Now, if you know my Pastor Joel, side notes can actually be as long as FULL sermons so you better believe that I got a lot of it!! He was teaching us how to stay in constant communion with God and he gave us an illustration of a driver and his passenger. He said that if a driver disregarded that there was a passenger in the car with him and saw something funny outside, he would probably just chuckle to himself and keep driving. It would be rude not to include the passenger into the joke wouldn't it? Now if the driver was aware of the passenger's presence and welcomed that presence, if he saw something funny outside the window he would turn to his passenger and say "Hey! look at that!" and they would both start laughing. Our communion with God is very much like this driver and his passenger.  If we know that God is always in our presence, but we do not acknowledge His presence, it's like we are being the rude driver ignoring our passenger. I really took this to heart because I felt like at times I was that rude driver. The illustration really changed my perspective on how I view unceasing prayer with God. Prayer is a dialogue and it is much easier to have a dialogue with a person who you know is in your midst.

That's all for now folks!
Bed time x_x

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