Bus Stop Bible Studies Ministry

"The mission of Bus Stop Bible Studies is to present the Word of God to the general public, in the form of Bible studies, using advertising panels inside buses, LRT (Light Rapid Transit), subway cars, and similar mediums. Bus Stop Bible Studies will present God's Word in a clear and concise manner, challenging the reader to think about what they have read by posing thoughtful, searching questions. Through the use of our website and volunteer follow-up, we wish to provide encouragement and direction to those who are impacted by the Bus Stop Bible studies.
The vision of Bus Stop Bible Studies is to see the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly presented, in a way that will bring individuals into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, bringing glory and honour to God the Father. This will be accomplished by displaying the Word of God in every transit system in Canada, the United States and beyond. We believe that God is a God of grace, love and righteousness, who wishes that all humanity be restored to a personal and loving relationship with Him."
Also, I would like to show you how their bible studies are presented.
This is just one of the 50 display panels found inside buses, streetcars and subway cars, or on the backs of buses. Click Here to see more.
Some transit companies do not currently allow "religious advertising" so God inspired Photothoughts.
Click Here to see more.
'Get the Word Out' Campaign has 20 different panels that are posted on the sides of buses all across the GTA. Click Here to see more.
Are you interested in finding out more about this ministry? Click on one of the links provided:
Bus Stop Bible Studies Home Page
Finding a Bible
Make a Donation
Questions concerning religious advertising in the public square
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