Around 6 this morning, my sleep became restless, I was twisting and turning and dreaming things I didn't understand. Then I heard a voice, speaking to my spirit. At that point, I was more awake than I was asleep but still lying in my bed. The voice said,

"Do you have time?" My thoughts responded rather sleepy like, as if to say, I'm too tired and I want to get up so I would avoid answering the question. Then the voice responded and said, "Good!" and immediately I went into a deep sleep. I then heard, "I want to show you something." I saw in my dream, my room. And my double dresser/drawers had become two large slot machines. And with my mind I pulled the lever of the first slot on the right at it began to spin and landed on a jackpot for Jobs. Then I pulled the second lever, on the left, and I got a jackpot for cash. At that point, cash began to dispense from the bottom drawers in my dresser, and I stretched forth to touch it, and I could feel and hold it in my hands. Then I immediately rose out the dream and sat straight up in my bed. Realizing that this had me a tact of the Devil. He was trying to tempt me. He was telling me, that he would give me prosperity, if I renounced God and followed him. HAHAA!!
James 1:12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
As soon as I awoke, I began to pray to my God in heaven, for I know that He is God, my daily bread. I thanked the Lord for delivering me from temptation.

Christians, do not be fooled by the temporary things of this world. For
Matthew 13:31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. The word of God is the only thing that you and I will have FOREVER. Not money, not fame, not your BLING, not your precious house or car, not your degree from Harvard, not your woman on the side, not anything. Funny thing is . . . the TEMPORARY things in life are the only things that SATAN has to offer man. Hm. Pretty sad. But very true. God is the only way to eternal happiness and satisfaction.
Blessed is the Lord, because right after the devil tempted me, and I prayed to my father, I went downstairs just in time to catch the very beginning of Creflo Dollar. :) Good stuff!
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