Today was a good day.
Monday, July 6
Today was superrrr relaxing AND productive! Who knew those two words could fit in a sentence together. I woke up, listened to some music (Helen Baylor is my new "hero-ness" or heroine if you wanna be technical, but I don't so I'll just stick with hero-ness =] ), studied some psych, cleaned, watched tv(house was good, it was about this really really obese guy who ended up having lung cancer, not at all related to his HUGEness, & that movie with Bruce Willis.. umm.. what's it called again??. .Hostage!! the Mars character is such a sickoo! but Brucey made the movie ill as usual so I had to watch it) Then I went to look for some cars with my pops and then we picked up my moms from the Go Station, bought some jerk chicken(sooo hot!! i had to finish too bottles of apple juice just to stop my mouth from burning . . of course that was after i ate like 3/4 of it and my belly was full.. it was soooo good). Then we went to walmart (Thank God for opening till 10) and I ended up seeing the Hottest guy ever, who knew they existed in markham, and all in all I had some serious family time. I must say, Today was a good day!
Incase you haven't already guessed it, I'm the yellow fella in the middle with the upside down frown on. :)

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