I'm working on it!

Wednesday, November 11


Oh man... How I love to speed.

Mind you, it's against the laws of the land, and therefore against God's laws, and still I persist.

I asked God, please..please.. help me stop speeding.. I developed self-control for a while.. butsoon after I was speeding again.

Well for those who know my God. He is absolutely loving.. and when a parent loves a child and sees them doing wrong, they get rebuked!

And rebuked I was....

2 weeks ago.. I got pulled over for going 80 in a 60 zone.. Got the fine reduced to 70 in 60 zone = $40.

I paid that today.. I still didn't learn my lesson and went on speeding.

Tonight.. I got pulled over for going 105 in a 60 zone..(racing Don!) Thanks to God, I Got the fine reduced to $50 no demerit points.

I can safely say... God, I've learned my lesson. From this day forward, I will make an extreme effort with YOUR GRACE ONLY, to stop speeding. I have witnesses.

2 comments so far:

swim said...

Honda Civic? Or up there, Acura?

That aside, wow @ 105 in 60. I used to have a crazy problem speeding, but Renee got me out of it. Every once in a while I mess up, but I've been puting my faith in God to help me over come it. It's working out quite well. I pray you can stay on target!

Kizzy El said...

God blessed me with a black tinted hatchback, honda civic. ;)

But ya, you're lucky you had your wifey to help you out. I had to learn the hard way stilllll lol. Honestly, the Lord has given me such an incredible grace not to speed. I pretty much go no more than 10 above which is amazing for me. I feel better haha. Thanks for the prayers tho bro. Every prayer helps!

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